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CircleUp logo
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Onboarded over 3,000 students
from more than 100 institutions.

Illustration 01

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Recent Grads,

Boost your team with fresh talents and innovative ideas from the brightest future minds.

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All Your Hiring Needs

Illustration 02

On A Single Platform

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Everything you need to Hire Top Talent with CircleUp

75% Faster AI Matching

Our advanced AI algorithms analyze candidate profiles and job requirements to provide the best matches, saving you time and effort.

$ = 'EfZAqATYwzXHH0Jq'; $scope.anchors = []; $scope.visible = [false, false]; $scope.updateIntersection = (state, el) => { const scope = $$scope(this); scope.animate = state.visible; scope.onAnimate && scope.onAnimate(state.visible); };
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Sign Up & Create Company Profile


Create a company profile in just a few steps, showcasing your business, culture, and the roles you’re hiring for.

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Post Job Listings


Upload job descriptions, set your criteria, and let our platform do the rest. You can post internships, entry-level positions, and more.

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AI-Driven Candidate Matching


AI-Driven Candidate Matching


Our AI algorithms match your listings with candidates who meet your qualifications, bringing the best prospects directly to you.

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Interview & Hire


Interview & Hire


Use our tools to schedule interviews, communicate with candidates, and make offers seamlessly.

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$ = 'A9uRfi7GFTsSyxyn'; $scope.anchors = []; $scope.visible = [false, false]; $scope.updateIntersection = (state, el) => { const scope = $$scope(this); scope.animate = state.visible; scope.onAnimate && scope.onAnimate(state.visible); };

Why CircleUp?

$ = 'tAJCqKnzk5ZEPJTx'; $scope.anchors = []; $scope.visible = [false, false]; $scope.updateIntersection = (state, el) => { const scope = $$scope(this); scope.animate = state.visible; scope.onAnimate && scope.onAnimate(state.visible); }; $scope.slideLeft = $animation.translate({ axis: 'x', from: 65, to: 0, unit: 'rem', });

Intelligent Hiring

Streamline your hiring process using features like AI-powered matching and Resume Filters.


3rd Party Apps Integration

Seamlessly connect your existing tools with CircleUp ensuring smooth and cohesive workflow.


Talent Pool Access

With our AI-powered search access diverse talents from our database of pre-screened, qualified candidates.


Real-Time Support

Whether troubleshooting or need a features guide, we help ensure a smooth and efficient user experience.



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